Network Marketing And The Psychology Of Consensus

By | September 4, 2024

Network Marketing And The Psychology Of Consensus – Cialdini’s research was based on years of hands-on experience in a variety of sales domains, including used car dealerships and telemarketing companies, and his work is still widely referenced today, decades after it was first published.

Based on the idea that if you receive something, you are obligated to give it back to others. This can be expressed through respect, attention, kindness or anything.

Network Marketing And The Psychology Of Consensus

The principle of supply and demand states that the scarcer a resource is, the more valuable it is, assuming it has some level of demand.

Human Brain Mapping

You are more easily persuaded when you see an authority in a relevant field defending or supporting a point.

Also known as the “foot in the door” technique, this approach is based on making a commitment from yourself and being consistent in order to reap the benefits of that commitment.

It’s probably no surprise that you prefer to say ‘yes’ to people. And you like people who you can identify with and who have some level of similarity with you.

When you are in doubt, you tend to look at how others behave to determine your own behavior. You use ‘herd behavior’ as a cognitive shortcut.

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Recently Cialdini added the Unity principle. This plays into the sense of belonging as well as tribalism and is the difference between saying “Bob is just like us” and “Bob is one of us”. The latter will create greater collaboration and impact.

Cialdini gave the example of a woman trying to get donations on a University Campus. When she added the words “I’m a student too” to her sign, donations doubled.

These principles have extensive connections with various models, especially those related to cognitive heuristics and behavioral economics. You can understand many of these principles in the context of Fast and Slow Thinking, for example patterns in particular

Asking people to pinpoint a specific time and place where they will take action makes it more tangible and more likely to happen.

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When talking about marketing material, a key tactic when trying to establish likeability is to establish what you have in common with the other person.

Provide a specific time for purchase, a limited window for services, or a closing time for a deal.

These principles can easily lead people into pits if they are used for evil instead of good. It can encourage predatory behavior, using favors to get people into debt and manipulation techniques. Cialdini

One study seemed to show a reciprocity effect, with tips increasing slightly as a result of receiving a free mint at the end of dinner.

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One study showed that missed appointments in health centers were reduced by 18% when patients wrote appointments rather than staff.

According to Cialdini, in a study of MBA student negotiations, one group was told to focus on completing the deal, identifying something in common before the other group could begin. The first group agreed in 55%, the second group in 90%.

The UK’s Behavioral Insights Group, or the original Nudge Unit, found that by tweaking the wording of letters to taxpayers to refer to the majority of people in their country paying their taxes on time, there was a 15% increase in the time they paid their taxes.

These principles are commonly used in sales and marketing and play on common unconscious biases. They have been further studied by cognitive psychologists who study behavioral economics. That said, they can be used to build relationships and influence.

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Use these examples of connected and complementary models to weave Cialdini’s six principles of influence into your wider network of mental models. Alternatively, find your connections by browsing the list of categories above.

Find out more from Dr Robert Cialdini’s book ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion’ and his wider services at Influence at work.

Luckily, it’s only $5 a month to join and access everything so you can quickly discover, learn, and apply the world’s most powerful ideas.

“Yes, we hate pop ups too. But we wanted to let you know that, with, we make it easier for you to adapt, innovate and create value. We look forward to you joining us and our growing community.”

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Subscribe now and download this practical guide to transforming your thinking, and receive a short, powerful and actionable idea in your inbox each week. Multi-level marketing (MLM) is a very popular business method. It relies on “distributors” who use the power of

MLM companies continue to grow in popularity. The products and services they offer are endless: cosmetics, essential oils, weight loss smoothies, health foods, kitchen gadgets, jewelry, wine, and more. Most MLMs are in the Health and Wellness industry; You can find a complete list of all health related MLM companies here.

Unfortunately, the Direct Selling and MLM business model is very disturbing because it causes tremendous financial, mental, emotional and social damage (see my previous posts).

When I was only 19 years old, I decided to join my first Multi-Level Marketing company. The woman who hired me focused on my “pain points” – areas in my life where I needed relief and felt weak. I was a busy, stressed out college student, an introvert, living far from home, with few friends, and in need of extra spending money.

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Despite my best efforts to succeed, I found myself overwhelmed with the constant demands of promoting products, asking my peers to attend sales events, and purchase an endless supply of products. My living room was filled with boxes of unopened products. After 8 months as an MLM sales rep, I finally quit.

You’ve probably heard examples of successful multi-level marketing stars in their social media posts. Maybe you’ve been invited to coffee with a clandestine MLM rep, or talked into a bait-and-switch conversation that starts off as a long-lost friend but explores how the company has changed its course. lives

The reality is that joining and MLM doesn’t work for most people. Most sales reps who use this business model never make much money; most of them go into terrible debt. (See these income disclosure statements for more detailed information).

Instead of understanding how dangerous MLM companies can be, I was told that my failure was my fault. This is just one of the sneaky messages built into every MLM company.

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My biggest concern with multi-level marketing (also known as direct selling) is how they prey on those who are particularly vulnerable and already under financial pressure.

Instead of providing a sustainable way to make money and become self-sufficient, this model keeps reps stuck in an endless cycle of buying products and signing up other unsuspecting victims.

My doubts and feelings of failure about my MLM experiences changed after I discovered the classic work of a psychologist named Robert Cialdini. He wrote a book called

, which has been cited by many modern marketing experts (sometimes without giving Dr. Cialdini the credit he is due…).

The 6 Principles Of Influencing Consumer Decisions

In his book, Dr. Cialdini provides some scientific evidence for why we make decisions and what makes us so delusional. Some of his stories are dated from the 1960s and 70s, but I love the way he shows them.

I will explain each of these principles in relation to the tactics used by MLM and Direct Selling companies.

Let’s see how multilevel marketing companies use the power of Influence to convince people to join. For every six, I’ll give a Devil’s Advocate View, ie

In general, women have a strong desire to balance the imbalance in a relationship. When someone shares a gift or a favor, most women feel compelled to pay back in “kind” with something of equal value. If the gift is not paid, they may sense an imbalance until the debt is paid.

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Reciprocity is often a useful tool in marketing. Although it can be a good marketing tool, unscrupulous companies use it to take advantage of the kindness of others.

Reciprocity can easily be used to harm people, but this influence tactic can also be used for good. We all have a strong one

. Consider the impact of giving potential buyers a freebie (like the Pop-By item I describe here).

This principle of influence occurs when we keep a public, written, voluntary promise…sometimes without even knowing we’ve made it.

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We tend to agree to meet with someone we trust. The danger is that our need for consistency can lead us to make uncomfortable decisions, even when we know it’s not the right thing to do. When it involves selling a product, it can become transaction avoidance syndrome, a breakdown in the sales process where the seller is unwilling to complete the purchase. You can read more about it in my 3-part series.

When buyers fear they will be taken advantage of, they cancel the meeting, decline the offer, or say “No.”

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