The Psychology Of Network Marketing: Understanding Consumer Behavior

By | August 26, 2024

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The Psychology Of Network Marketing: Understanding Consumer Behavior

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Psychological Insights Into The Brain That Will Improve Your Marketing

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Customer behavior as an outcome of social media marketing: The role of social media marketing activities and customer experience

By Ardy Wibowo Ardy Wibowo Scilit Google Scholar View Publications 1 , Shih-Chih Chen Shih-Chih Chen Scilit Google Scholar View Publications 1 , Uraiporn Wiangin Uraiporn Wiangin Scilit Google Scholar View Publications Yin 2 Ma Scilit Google Scholar View Publications 3, * and Athapol Ruangkanjanase Athapol Ruangkanjanase Scilit Google Scholar View Publications 4, *

What Is Business Psychology & What Career Opportunities Exist

Submission received: November 24, 2020 / Revised: December 15, 2020 / Accepted: December 20, 2020 / Published: December 28, 2020

Social media has played an important role in marketing strategy. As part of social media, companies can use social networking sites (SNS) to establish direct communication and good relationships with their customers. Therefore, companies using SNSs need to choose the right marketing content to foster strong customer relationships that lead to behaviors that ensure sustainable business operations. This study looked at social media marketing activities (SMMA) and customer experience (CX) to measure the quality of customer relationships, which can influence the customer behavioral outcomes of purchase intention, loyalty intention, and participation intention. 413 online questionnaire surveys were measured and analyzed using SmartPLS 3. The results show that SMMA and CX significantly influence customer relationship quality, which also positively influences customer behavioral outcomes. This study points out to companies that SNS marketing content should meet the dimensions of SMMA and CX in order to achieve the marketing objective and ensure sustainable business operations.

Social media has been widely used by companies as a marketing strategy tool. Social networking sites (SNS) are part of social media that allow users to communicate with each other. SNS will probably become a mutual communication medium between business and customers. The ability of SNS to reach a wide range of users, the low cost [1] and the fact that it has become a part of the lives of ordinary citizens are useful for companies to ensure the appeal of marketing activities, build customer awareness and create virtual ones. brand communities [2]. However, in 2019, a survey conducted by the Ministry of Communications and Information of the Republic of Indonesia [3] revealed that most people use social media platforms to sell a product or service, but when they want to buy, they prefer the marketplace platform. This indicates that even though the marketplace platform has advanced features, social media can still encourage people to make purchases through social media by providing the right content for marketing activities. Therefore, to get the most out of your social media marketing activity, a business needs to understand the importance of the content or form of message it wants to deliver and its impact on the consumer experience, which can lead to business marketing success. goals.

Social media marketing activities (SMMA) and customer experience (CX) can collectively engage in marketing on SNS. These two constructs are interrelated because rationally all the company’s marketing activities on SNS and/or customers’ perceived experience will influence the customer’s response and are involved in their analysis process before the purchase stage. Together, these two elements can build relationships with customers that contribute to a company’s marketing goals. In recent years, a number of empirical studies have been conducted to examine the adoption of SMMA in different fields and environments, as well as CX. However, none of them discuss them together in a single study. SMMA studies have been conducted on social media users [2], luxury fashion brands [4], the airline industry [5] and the e-commerce industry [6]. Meanwhile, research on CX has been conducted in many fields, such as blogging [7, 8], travel agencies [9], and social media marketing [10]. Thus, to address the shortcomings of previous studies, this study proposes a framework that integrates SMMA and CX.

Consumer Profiling: The Beginner’s Guide

A company or anyone who wants to use social media as a marketing channel can provide marketing services, methods, strategies and designs that demonstrate social engagement and meet community characteristics [11]. Marketing content on SNS should not only be based on commercial aspects, but should also be socially oriented or involve active interaction between users [12], leading to deep communication and good relationships between them [13]. Creating marketing content on SNS is a challenge for businesses because they need to be able to tailor marketing content to the customer’s personal or community preferences. Therefore, a company needs to choose the right marketing content to foster strong relationships that lead to customer behaviors that ensure sustainable business operations.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of SMMA and CX on customer engagement as represented by the relationship quality construct, and to investigate its effects on loyalty intention, purchase intention, and customer participation intention in social commerce activities. Table 1 shows the operational definition of each construct in this study. In addition, an attempt was made to provide insights and guides for businesses to show whether using SNS as a marketing tool is the right decision and what SNS marketing content they should follow to achieve their marketing goals and ensure sustainable business operations. Social media as a marketing tool and its expected results create a sustainable impact on business results. Abbas et al. [14] found that the use of social media marketing platforms in companies is able to measure and stimulate sustainable business performance. In addition, social media is an important aspect in the context of sustainable marketing strategies to support the growth of positive customer behavior.

A recent systematic review explored that social media are Internet-based channels that allow users to interact with large or specific communities that derive value from user-generated content and connections with others in real-time or asynchronously [15]. The meaning of using social media is derived from the interaction or communication with other users and the content created by an organization, company or person. Social media marketing strategy refers to an organization’s integrated activities that transform social media communications (networks) and interactions (influences) into useful strategic tools to achieve desired marketing outcomes [16]. The scope of social media marketing is the use of social media as a way to interact with one or a few stakeholders as a necessary communication tool.

Kim and Ko [4] developed the social media marketing (SMMA) construct to emphasize that using social media as a marketing tool will have a different appeal compared to traditional marketing platforms such as print advertising, billboards, etc. Benefits of social media. as a marketing tool is: First, the customer will be more entertained by the company’s free marketing content and it will generate social media activity. Second, customers can customize their information search using the default search function on SNS, hashtags, or direct custom search services provided by the company. Third, social media is real-time and fast, allowing customers to get the latest information and trends in the products/services offered by the company. Fourth, a social media marketing campaign allows for direct interaction between users, which can lead to, fifth, word-of-mouth effects, which include the willingness of customers to pass on the information seen on the company’s social media to others. Thus, SMMA includes five constructs: entertainment, interaction, trend, adaptation, and word of mouth.

Importance Of Understanding Consumer Behavior

Kim and Ko [4] found that SMMA has a great influence on brand equity, purchase intentions, etc. In addition, other studies have investigated SMMA in different situations and shown several of its effects. The analytical result of Chen and Lin [2] shows that SMMA has an indirect effect on social identity and perceived value on satisfaction. Meanwhile, social identity and perceived value directly influence satisfaction, which then influences intentional consistency, intentional engagement, and

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