Exploring Diversification In Network Marketing Ventures

Exploring Diversification In Network Ventures – Research on the construction of performance indicators for the food industry industry alliance and credit card issuers using balance charts and Fuzzy AHP

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Exploring Diversification In Network Marketing Ventures

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By Cheng-Tseng Cheng-Tseng Scilit Preprints.org Google Scholar View Publications * and Shari S. C. Shang Shari S. C. Shang Scilit Preprints.org Google Scholar View Publications

Social Venture: The Model Solving Social Problems (2023)

Applications received: 13 January 2021 / Modified: 4 February 2021 / Received: 5 February 2021 / Published: 11 February 2021

Traditional business models involve cost, marketing development, distribution network, business partnerships, and supply chain management. The development of the digital economy and digital networking technology has brought about a shift away from traditional operating models. Intermediaries have long played a key role in promoting the benefits of economic activity, but new technologies are increasingly substituting intermediaries in their role in connecting players such as relevance, commitment and player mobilization. Therefore, potential conflicts of interest must be further addressed, avoided or reduced. Blockchain technology is an unchanging and digital record keeping tool that can solve increasingly complex problems in the global value chain to sustain sustainable development. It tries to know the trust mechanism and redefines the function of the intermediary. This study used a multi-case study approach to examine how blockchain technology intermediate functionality. We evaluated the use of industry blockchains to assess how processes are changing and how intermediary roles are being improved. On the basis of the findings, we propose potential changes for the role of intermediaries to optimize operations.

Sustainability is an attempt to link social sciences with environmental sciences and civil engineering through technology. Overall, sustainability aims to protect our natural environment and human health while promoting ecological balance and innovation.

For human and environmental sustainability, economic behavior must be improved. To this end, technological innovation is a tool. Marketing functions in transaction design, such as matching, dispute resolution, and transaction resolution, are traditionally performed by intermediaries. This process has led to significant changes in the market, which has provided intermediaries with many strategic opportunities to add value to buyers and sellers.

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Since the advent of blockchain technology, the role of intermediaries has been greatly challenged. Blockchain technology has been transforming information security and trust mechanisms. A survey by the World Economic Forum that by 2027 10% of global GDP will be stored on the blockchain [1]. Governments of many countries have released reports on the potential effects of blockchains. Over the past two years, there have been more than 500,000 new publications on blockchain technology and 3.7 million relevant messages from Google search results [2]. Despite the hype, blockchain technology is still evolving with no clear path for success. Without risk assessment or blockchain achievable, many companies will not be able to measure their return on investment and determine whether blockchains are strategically valuable to justify large investments. No.

Adoption of blockchain technology is a driving force for change. It has been approved by many heritage organizations to redefine the old business model. With the digitalization of the world economy, new business models have emerged, thus changing the future of the world economy.

This study aims to help organizations understand the state of the blockchain environment and examine the value of intermediaries in the process. We investigated several cases to analyze changes in the role of intermediaries and then conducted interviews to explore the benefits and challenges of blockchain technology. Finally, we present our findings and conclusions, discuss study limitations, and make suggestions for future studies.

From the earliest civilizations, the concept of sustainability was related to human-led ecosystems. Sustainable development is based on three pillars: environment, economy and society [3]. Figure 1. shows the relationship between the three pillars [3].

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The three pillars of sustainable development described above are terms in literature, media and communication. In fact, these words can incorporate different ways of thinking and interact with each other. Over the past two decades, various approaches have emerged for the use of communication technology for sustainability in education and industry. for improving efficiency and scaling are the most effective ways to use technology to support sustainability [4].

Since the proposed operational value theory in the 1970s and 1980s, many changes have taken place in the real world. Operating cost theory shows that the cost of operating a company's economic system is not the same as the cost of production. Operating costs are the cost of operations, including the cost of planning, decision making, plan changes, dispute resolution, and after-sales. Therefore, operating costs are one of the most important factors in business operations and management [5].

Enterprises should make more efforts to coexist with society. Businesses are required to minimize the impact on the community and the environment in which they operate through regulations, financial conditions and requirements [6]. According to The Economic Institutions of Capitalism by Oliver E. Williamson, contracts and organizational protections are created to support operations [7]. For most operations, these protections are not required and are a source of avoidable costs. Therefore, transactions are conducted in a market where buyers and sellers do not face each other at affordable prices for standard goods. During the operation process, many protection and management costs are unnecessary and can be eliminated [7].

In the context of transaction fees, intermediaries perform the following tasks: (i) provide liquidity risk sharing; (ii) address inefficiencies caused by asymmetric information; (iii) coordinate incentives through monitoring; Actively and (iv) operate and manage shipments. Economy of scale [8].

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Blockchains can many assumptions regarding market operations, causing different forces to come into play. Reducing operating costs by eliminating the need for intermediaries to help build trust is a prerequisite, indicating potential cost savings from the blockchain in various industries [9]. Marketing agents now face opportunities and challenges that force them to redefine how they interact with each other. Because of its novelty, the discussion focused on technology. In terms of technology, it is important to recognize the future proliferation of the blockchain, which will face the accepted theories of operational value theory and agency theory.

In 2008, a white paper written by Satoshi Nakamoto described a new digital currency based on the concept of a crypto-linked data block designed to rely on a common mechanism of a group of computers, excluding any intermediary agents. Over the years, the popularity and value of Bitcoin has increased and the basic technology called blockchain technology has also attracted a lot of attention. Today, blockchain technology has evolved from supporting Bitcoin to the potential transformation of payments, data storage, verification, audit records, digital asset registration, and transaction execution. The World Economic Forum considers blockchain technology to be one of the six major trends, and it is helping the evolution towards a digital and connected world [10].

Blockchain shows that trust technology allows different people and organizations to collaborate and create shared values. Blockchain applications open up a new era in which the nature of business will need to change within the framework of cooperation to coexist [11].

Blockchain is a decentralized network. According to the blockchain design mechanism prevents data modification. When a change in a given block is recorded, it is considered a new block before the change can be repeated. For spreadsheets, the blockchain is typically managed by a network of peers that adhere to protocols for inter-node communication and validation of new blocks. Its main advantage is the ability to allow two or more unknown participants to safely exchange new forms of values ​​and assets in a digital environment. In content blockchain has the following main features [12]:

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Each new blockchain block is encrypted and protected by a hash function. When the new blockchain.

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